Crews are our way to develop friendships and community within the church. We believe being in relationship with others is key to growing our relationship with Jesus. Our crews are broken down into three categories:

Study crews focus on building connections through learning and growing together. They'll cover topics like marriage, finances, family, and Bible studies.

Friendship crews focus on building connections through quality time spent together (coffee shop hangouts, eating meals together, etc…).

Activity crews will focus on building connections through shared experiences, activities and/or events.
BIBLE: Level 1
Lead By
Alli Correll
Read through the Gospels in 40 days.
BIBLE: Level 2
Gospels, Psalms, Proverbs
Lead By
Eder Lopez
Read through the Gospels, Psalms, and Proverbs in 40 days.
BIBLE: Level 3
Bible in 40 days
Lead By
Kenzie Lacheney
This crew covers a 40 day full Bible read-though leading up to Easter Sunday. Daily emails will be send to crew members recapping the reading for the day. Recap will also be in an Instagram group chat and Facebook group page for further discussion and encouragement.
GIVING: Level 1
Start Giving $1 a Day
Lead By
Pat & Kelly Francis
Start giving something consistently to the house of God in the next 40 days.
GIVING: Level 2
Lead By
Pat & Kelly Francis
Start tithing 10% of your paycheck in the next 40 days.
GIVING: Level 3
Sacrificial Giving | House of God
Lead By
Pat & Kelly Francis
Sacrificial giving to someone in need during the next 40 days. (this should HURT)
PRAYER: Level 1
Lord’s Prayer
Lead By
Blake Correll
Pray the Lord's Prayer daily for 40 days.
PRAYER: Level 2
Lord’s Prayer, Psalm of the Day
Lead By
Katie Lopez
Pray the Lord's Prayer and the Psalm of the day for 40 days.
PRAYER: Level 3
Lord’s Prayer, Psalm of the Day, 1 Hour of Prayer
Lead By
Lenny Ports Sr.
Pray the Lord's Prayer, the Psalm of the day, and have an hour of prayer for 40 days.
Bible, Giving, Prayer, Fasting
Lead By
Kenzie Lacheney